cell: 626.487.9083
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We've all read these before, the passage of poetic waxing about self accomplishments while referring to oneself in the third person. Instead, I think you'll know more about me if I just kept it short. Here's a collection of statements that make me, me. Full disclosure, statements are mostly from me but also collected from those I admire most.

/ Doing great work and meeting impossible deadlines aren't mutually exclusive.

/ The solution lies within the problem. 

/ Think of the opposite, it's usually more interesting.

/ Don't compare your inside with others outside. 

/ Lead them into the fire. 

/ Be sure. 

/ With a good team, I'm unstoppable. 

/ Greatness takes confidence. There's a fine line between confidence and arrogance. 

/ Always take the meeting. 

/ Don't write funny things. Write things that are already funny. 

/ Remember to not take it so seriously.